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7 Tips for Creating a Solid SaaS Brand Strategy

With so many competitors vying for customers, having a strong brand can help you stand out from the crowd and build trust with your audience. A successful SaaS brand can differentiate itself from the competition and build a strong presence in customers' minds. But how do you go about creating a winning SaaS brand strategy? Here are seven tips from Blox to help you get started.

1. Be Consistent in Brand Messaging

Consistency in brand messaging is key to creating a strong and unified brand identity. It is important to ensure that the core business message is the same across all platforms and all channels. This will help develop a culture of trust and loyalty among customers, as they will recognise and appreciate the same message being conveyed. 

Consistency in brand messaging also helps ensure that customers clearly understand the brand and its values. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the brand messaging is consistent and communicated in a way that resonates with your business values and the sentiments of your target audience. By being consistent in brand messaging, customers will be more likely to stay loyal and engaged with the brand.

2. Create a Brand Guidelines Document or Style Guide

A brand guidelines document outlines colours, fonts, logo versions, design elements, and a number of other things related to branding. These elements provide a consistent look and feel across a company’s brand sphere. 

A consistent brand helps customers quickly identify the company's products and services and build trust in the brand. Additionally, having a brand guidelines document helps maintain consistency across all marketing materials, from websites to social media. It also ensures that all materials are up-to-date and accurately reflect the company's values and mission. With a well-crafted brand guidelines document, companies can ensure their brand is easily recognisable and stands out from the competition.

3. Decide Between Stock Photos and Vectors

Companies often have to decide between using stock photos or vectors when creating visuals for a business website or marketing in general. Stock photos are photographs of real people, places, animals, or objects. On the other hand, vectors or illustrations are the graphic representations of photos, digitally drawn by graphic designers or illustrators.

Stock photos are great for quickly adding realism to a design, but they often lack the customisation needed to fit a brand’s guidelines perfectly. On the other hand, vectors provide a level of control and flexibility that cannot be achieved with stock photos, but they often lack the realism of a photograph. Additionally, vectors can be used to create characters and other illustrations that would be impossible to achieve with stock photos.

Most SaaS companies prefer vectors over stock photos. Some companies use a mix of both. B2B and enterprise SaaS companies tend to use stock photos. Blox recommends that you discuss this with your leadership team and key stakeholders and makea collective decision. 

4. Don’t Forget Vision and Mission Statements

Vision and mission statements provide a company with its direction and purpose, help create a clear identity, and guide decision-making. Vision statements outline the company’s long-term goals and aspirations, while mission statements describe how the company will achieve those goals. 

Together, they help to define the company’s purpose, values, and objectives. A well-crafted vision and mission statement can help a company to stand out from its competitors and create a strong brand identity. They also provide a clear path for employees to follow so that everyone is working towards the same goals. By giving focus and direction, vision and mission statements can help to ensure a company’s success.

5. Use Logo Everywhere

A logo is a visual representation of a company's identity. It is important to have a logo that is easily recognisable, memorable, and conveys the message of what the company stands for. The logo should be used everywhere, from the company's website to printed materials, advertising, and promotional products. 

This will help create a consistent brand identity that customers can easily recognise. A logo helps to create a strong presence in the marketplace and can help differentiate a company from its competitors. It can also help build trust and loyalty with customers. A logo is a vital part of any company's branding and marketing strategy and should be used consistently in all of its marketing collateral.

6. Define Buyer Personas First 

Before creating a brand strategy, you need to understand your target audience first. Do research and build buyer or user personas. Knowing who your target audience is and what they want from your brand is crucial in creating a successful brand. Buyer personas help you understand your customers, their needs and motivations, and how to impress them.

Blox recommends that you always choose logos, colours, and fonts based on your target audience. Each colour is unique in its own way and has a psychological effect on people. Don’t choose a colour scheme just because every other business in your domain is doing it. 

7. Be Creative in Naming Pricing Plans

The names of pricing plans need not be boring. Be creative and choose unique names instead of naming your product plans free, pro, standard, etc. For example, you can name your pricing plans after animals, objects, places, or even keywords related to your industry. 

Avoid using complex and confusing names. Make sure that the plan names are easy to understand. This kind of creative naming can make your product stand out and create a strong brand identity. It creates a positive impression to users who visit your website, more specifically, the pricing page.

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